Focused Action vs. Analysis Paralysis: ACTION wins!!

ActionPoint Partners
Announces the latest version of
The Leadership Legacy Journey™
"The Leadership Experience that Changes Organizations and Transforms Lives!"
"Leadership is not about the results you achieve but rather it is about the Leaders you develop and the results they achieve"
Steven T. Royal, Founding Partner
What Clients are saying
“……We had Steve come into our organization and do a yearlong leadership class with coaching for our Departmental Manager Team. It was a life-changing event for almost the entire team.” Executive Director – Retirement Community
“….. If you have the courage to be the best you and reach your potential for yourself and the people around you, then I encourage you to take part in one of Steve's programs.” Supervisor – Health Care
We developed the Leadership Legacy Journey™ programs by basing them on a different paradigm and to focus on leadership effectiveness. Leadership is about connecting with people at the “Limbic” level and inspiring them to believe in what they cannot see.
How do you do this?
There is no “Leadership cookbook” that spells out the characteristics or behaviors needed
to be an effective leader (although many try-but don’t be fooled). What you have is your personality, and
your brain and if you are really lucky you have a good understanding of who you are!
Leadership is the application of social influence in your team. It is not found in a book, list, model or
by duplicating someone else’s behavior. It is you using your experience, knowledge, personality and brain
to be the best leader you can be! Leadership is a Journey to be the best leader you can be and the level
of your success is your Legacy.
So how is the Leadership Legacy Journey™ different?
Structure: The programs are ONLY delivered at the client’s site to reduce travel time and cost
Intact Groups: ONLY delivered with intact teams or groups at similar organizational levels. (Exp. Executive Team (CEO and direct reports) or Director Group (Functional department heads one level below Executive Team) Groups can go all the way to front line supervisors
Spaced Sessions: delivered on site approximately every three (3) weeks
Individual Coaching: Each Session is 2-3 hours of Group work with up to eight (8) individual coaching sessions for the balance of the day.
This is not your father’s leadership development experience. Leadership Development was too often seen as sending someone off to a 3 or 5-day program at some prestigious or exotic location and expecting the immediate and dramatic absorption of the new perspective on leadership. In these circumstances Leadership Development is seen as “training” or an “Event”, or a reward. Worse, the program is taken in isolation. No other members of the participants peer group are attending the same program.
We developed the Leadership Legacy Journey™ as a way to achieve maximum impact with minimal disruption while controlling cost. The program combines dynamic content with executive coaching; assessments and feedback from a variety of sources; and the flexibility to incorporate action-learning assignments. Participants are given time to consider new ideas, experiment with new ways of behaving and discuss outcomes with other participants and managers. This is not a quick trip through the “shower of leadership” but an immersion into self-understanding, self-discovery and thoughtful contemplation of personal growth.