Individual Leadership Creates a new Nation
The history of the United States of America is built on the legacy of many leaders but none more important than the 56 men who signed...

The Little Red Schoolhouse-A Flawed Model for Leadership Development
John woke up one morning to discover that he was all alone. His teammates had already left for their cruse and the project was only just...

You have to leave Gilligan's Island to play hockey!
Wayne Gretzky is quoted as saying “A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to...

Address Revenue Growth by Knowing Your People
Like most of you I get tons of email notices about new articles or posts on websites and groups I follow. I look at these because I have...

Hire the Right Person!
The story of Uncle Raymond The holidays always make me nostalgic and cause me to bore my family with stories of my long departed...

About ActionPoints™
I named my blog ActionPoints™ because too often I see articles and posts that simply restate the obvious and are not really helpful. I...